Manage patient expectations and reduce malpractice claims
We are unique in providing an entire shared decision making & consent management platform. It covers all components of informed consent and has the ability to protect against over 90% of malpractice (consent) cases, not just the 5% of a paperless consent form. Shared decision making is a dialogue that happens before, during and after the signing of a document.
Reduces on-the-day cancellations by 33%.
Frees up clinical staff time by 53 mins per patient.
Reduces morning of treatment delays by 22 mins per patient.
Improperly obtained Informed Consent is in the top ten reasons for lawsuits.
71 percent of physicians felt that patients blame bad outcomes on them because they don't understand medical risks.
48 percent of physicians said that better rapport and communication with patients would help avert lawsuits.
Informed decision-making in outpatient practice: time to get back to basics; Braddock et al. JAMA
Audiotape recordings from 1057 physician-patient encounters were analyzed for completeness of information needed to make informed decisions; overall, only 9% of decisions were completely informed, while only 20% to 38% of the situations met less stringent criteria for completeness.
40 or more hours sacrificed by more than 42% preparing for their defense.
18 percent of physicians sued said they would have kept better documentation,
8 percent said they would have spent more time with the patient,
7 percent said they should have explained or phrased things more carefully.
Medscape Malpractice Report 2019
30 minutes is spent on each traditional outpatient consent appointment.
250 hours per year are spent consenting patients by healthcare teams performing 500 operations per year.
46 percent of physicians reported their financial state as worse in 2020 than 2019, Medical Economics (.com) reported 'More time spent on uncompensated tasks' was in the top five reasons physicians' finances worsened.
30 seconds is all it takes to create a bespoke Consent Portfolio for each patient. Consent Portfolios are detailed ledgers of who said what, how, and to whom with every statement digitally signed and time-stamped by Physician and Patient.
Click here to download an example
"consentapatient has been very easy to set up and work with. Our ASC has over 18 months experience using this powerful tool. It has elevated our patient education and consent process to a new level. From a medicolegal perspective it has been a game-changer."
Dr Mo Zakireh
Cosmetic Surgeon, California
Consent is a dialogue not a form

consentapatient encapsulates the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) SHARE Approach:
1. Seek your patient's participation: Encourages clinicians to actively invite patients to participate in their healthcare decisions.
2. Help your patient explore and compare treatment options
3. Assess your patient's values and preferences: Recognizes the importance of understanding what matters most to the patient.
4. Reach a decision with your patient: Supports a collaborative decision-making process.
5. Evaluate your patient's decision: Involves reviewing the decision over time to see if adjustments are needed based on the patient's experiences or changes in their condition or preferences.
Covers elective, emergency, inpatient and outpatient procedures from live-saving surgery to dental and cosmetic work

Why change the consent process?

Consentapatient allows a patient to take, or at least share the burden of uncertainty, giving them the opportunity to explain their personal tolerance for uncertainties and risks.

Pentagonal Model for Dynamic Consent
Traditionally seeking and obtaining consent is a single act. The patient presents, and the Physician or Nurse Practitioner explains what he or she wishes to do and seeks the patient’s agreement to implement investigations and treatment. The paperwork is signed, the forms filed and consent is complete. This routine conceptualization of consent does not capture a significant component of proper consent, namely that it is ongoing.
One question at a time - like a conversation - keeps your patients engaged